Relation with Lake (class): Lake Casualty Cemetery (LCC)
Total nr. of casualties buried here (TC) end WW2: > 10, today: 8.
Lake casualties, initially, end WW2 (LC-I): > 10.
Unknown today: 2
of which unknown from Lake (LC-U): 2
of which unknown from North Sea (NS-U): 0
Initial burial site in WW2: yes, Lake Cemetery West side of Lake (LCW)
Post war burial site for collection and reburial from other sites: no
Cemetery with Lake casualties today: yes (LCW).
In the first years of the war, dead airmen found by Enkhuizen-fishermen or washed ashore here, were transported for burial to Den Helder (Huisduinen), Bergen aan Zee or Amsterdam (Nieuwe Ooster). In 1944 transport by road became dangerous because of the Allied air-superiority over this region and from then on burials were held in Enkhuizen itself. Eight airmen, all recovered from the Lake, are interred here.

Dutch name cemetery: Enkhuizen Alg, begr. pl.
Full name: Enkhuizen General Cemetery.
Address (usable for car navigation):
Emmaplein 1 or Prins Bernardlaan, Enkhuizen.
For reaction or comments; send us an email,
see address and info at CONTACT.
Please use as subject title: 'Enkhuizen'.
The Americans were moved after the war and probably lay in grave 1, 2 and 7. Today remain 4 graves, each 2 deep, with in total 8 Commonwealth airmen. Each grave has 2 headstones above it. These 8 men were buried in 4 funeral ceremonies. First was Flying Officer Woolverton on his wash ashore day, 17 June 1944. A week later the 2 not identified RAF airmen were buried and begin November the crew of the 'Venhuizen Wapendropper'. This was a SOE-bomber with weapons for the resistance. It hit the dike and crashed nearby in the lake close to the shore. The 6th man of this crew (P/O H.E. Evans) is buried alone on another cemetery (Bovenkarspel-Stedebroec, see file), which is very near to the crashsite.


© ZZairwar (Zuyder Zee Air War)